
To commemorate the founding of the Trust in December 1954 the Trustees awarded three special grants which reflected issues of particular interest to Mr and Mrs Sykes.

Yorkshire Cancer Research
£75,000 for a three year project to enable Yorkshire Cancer Research to build a clearer picture of cancer issues in Yorkshire by compiling a comprehensive profile including specific causes, demographic and cultural differences and healthcare inequalities. The results will be used to help Yorkshire Cancer Research improve cancer outcomes in this region by being able to be even more focused in directing their research money to projects that will bring the greatest benefit to the people of Yorkshire and beyond.

In Harmony Opera North
£100,000 continued support to enable Opera North to have a significant and positive impact on Low Road and Windmill Music Federation and the Belle Isle and Hunslet communities in South Leeds, by bringing live music performance and tuition into the classroom.

Ripon Cathedral Music Trust
£100,000 towards a permanent endowment fund to secure and develop the Cathedral’s reputation as a major centre of musical excellence, to provide accessible musical training through membership of the Cathedral choirs and develop an inclusive outreach programme to take musical excellence into the region.

For further information regarding other grants awarded by the Charles and Elsie Sykes Trust go to the Charity Commission website using this link